What We Believe

First and foremost, we believe that the Bible—God’s Word—is our sole and supreme source of absolute truth. We hold it to be infallible and without error. We submit to its teachings and affirm its authority.

We believe what the Scriptures say about us. The Scriptures are clear that we, along with all humanity, are born sinful and are enemies of God the Creator. We agree that our sin separates us from God. We believe the Scriptures when they tell us that we cannot achieve God’s standard of holiness. We recognize that we need redemption and that there is nothing we can do to achieve it.

We believe the Scriptures when they say that God has won our redemption through the death of his son Jesus. We believe the Scriptures when they say that Christ was the incarnate God-man who lived a sinless life, who died a violent death, and who came back to life in a victorious resurrection. We believe that the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus has won our redemption.

We believe that Christ has suffered for our sins and has credited to us his infinite righteousness. We believe that this righteousness may be ours if we accept it by faith. We believe that we can stand in boldness before God the Father, wearing the righteousness of Christ like a garment.

We believe all of this to be truth. We believe it to be the ultimate reality with which every human being must reckon. The Bible calls this “the gospel,” the “good news” of God’s redemptive work.